In today's digital age, having online visibility is crucial for a band. The internet provides a whole lot of platforms where people from all over the world can discover your band. And that makes it essential to establish a strong online presence. In today's day and age, bands can connect with fans from different parts of the world. Due to the uncertainties regarding the continued existence of the band, I was forced to put all current affairs on hold. Including the website and the domain. Something I had planned to do anyway because the costs ,of that specific provider, were simply becoming too expensive. So now I'm working hard to optimize the new website and its online visibility, and create new booking options.

Search Engine Optimazation (SEO) plays a vital roll in this. It's necessary to optimize all of the new website pages with relevant keywords, tags, titles, pics etc. But also the off-page optimization is of great importance. Back-linking strategies plays a very important roll in SEO to get a higher page rank in the Google search engine. There's an old saying, that has been going around in the SEO world for years... that says "You can bury a dead body on the second page of Google". Meaning that most people's search habits don't go beyond the first page of Google. If you're not on it, you don't exist. It's as simple as that. So engaging with these online platforms for musicians provides an opportunity for bands to interact with their audience. But also creates important backlinks to the website, and at the same time provides more booking and contact options. So here you'll find some of them were we have a Joe Cocker Connection profile, maybe you can check them out. A lot of work lays ahead of me, but I promise a couple weeks, we'll be back "Up where we belong", on the first page of Google!
By Dirk Verstocken - band manager JCC
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